Homeschool Chess Class
Learn chess from a national championship chess coaching academy!
Class Day: Wednesdays
Class Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
First Class: Jan 8
Last Class: May 14
Location: Young Meadows Presbyterian Church
Chess is a weekly, one-hour, in-person class to be held at Young Meadows church located in Montgomery, AL. Chess is open only to homeschooled students in grades 1-8.
Classes are for new-to-chess and experienced players alike. Each class includes learning, practice, and fun periods and kids will be paired up during playing times with kids around their own level. Students will be dropped off with Rasberry Chess Academy at the church and parents must return at the end of the class for pick-up.
Class Pricing/Discounts:
Monthly Class Price: $50
Includes all months with 3, 4, & 5 scheduled classes.
Months with 2 scheduled classes are $30.
Classes are scheduled each week school is in session on chess day within the date range specified above.
Get a Discount For the Semester!
Choosing to pay through May will unlock a $5/month discount!
Full Month: $45; Half Month: $25
Discount does not include the current month.
One-Time Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $15
Includes a chess team t-shirt!
Questions? - Email